Terms of Service

When commissioning me you agree that ...


  • I have the right to decline your commission request.
  • You must be 18 years or older.
  • The price quote you receive is non-binding for both of us, until both parties agree on the commission.


  • You will receive the final plush, but no side product such as the pattern.
  • I can remake the plush anytime for anyone else, unless it is an Original Character design you own.
  • I may use work-in-progress pictures/videos and pictures/videos of the final plush on my website, on my social media, for any advertising purpose and/or in tutorials.
  • I may use any part of the pattern for tutorials. If it is an Original Character design you own, the full pattern will never be revealed.


  • Price quote and payment are in €.
  • Payment is done via PayPal invoice in €. (The PayPal conversion rate from your currency to € applies.)
  • Payment will be made in two instalments.
  • I will send out an invoice for the first instalment, once we both agree on the commission.
  • The first instalment must be paid no more than two weeks after the invoice was send.
  • I will not start working on the plush before the first instalment is paid.
  • I will invoice you for the second instalment when the plush is finished.
  • The second instalment must be paid within two months after the invoice was send.
  • The plush will not be shipped before I received the full payment.
  • If the second instalment is not paid in time or if you must cancel your commission, the first instalment cannot be refunded and I am free to do what I like with the (unfinished) plush, including gifting or selling it away, even if it is an Original Character Design you own.
  • If I have to cancel the commission, you will receive a full refund.


  • I ship from Germany in Europe.
  • I ship with DHL. When the package arrives in its destination country, a partner mail company may deliver the package.
  • Shipping includes tracking and insurance up to 500€, unless stated otherwise in the price quote. Upon request the insurance can be increased for an extra charge.
  • After your plush is shipped, I do no longer have any responsibility over it. If the package arrives damaged it is your responsibility to check the inside and not accept the package, in case the plush was damaged. If the plush is damaged or the package does not arrive, you must notify the shipping company and claim the insurance.
  • You are responsible for any import duties, customs fees, taxes and similar surcharges that may apply.
  • If the package is returned to me by any issues on the shipping, you must pay for shipping it again within 2 months, otherwise the plush becomes my property.


  • We will agree upon a deadline when the plush must be finished (not shipped, since that may be delayed until the full payment is received) before the first invoice is sent. If I fall behind the deadline, you may cancel the commission and receive a full refund.