How do I commission you?

I am working on a commission system on my website, which will go online later this year. Until then, feel free to reach out on Instagram!

Why are your plushies so expensive?

I am aware that hand crafted plushies are rather expensive, compared to mass produced ones. If you decide to commission me, I will put a lot of time, expertise and love into the creation of your custom plush! First I will create a unique pattern to match the reference you provided as closely as possible. Your plushie will feature custom embroidery, applique and hand sewn details as needed, to match every last detail of you design. Finally, it will be sewn out of high quality materials! Throughout this whole process, we will be staying in touch and you can provide valuable feedback on every step of the creation of your plush.

Do you make your own patterns?

Yes, all my patterns are made from scratch to match the design and style of the character

Can I use your patterns?

In fact, yes! I have a growing collection of plush patterns which are free to use! However, I do not share the patterns of original character designs.

What sewing / embroidery machine do you use?

I have a Pfaff Creative 1.5 which can do both sewing and embroidery with a 24x15cm hoop.

How long does it take to make a plush?

Plush creation time varies anywhere from 16 hours (2 days) for very small and simple things to 160+ hours (3+ weeks) hours for very large and complex things. Keep in mind I don’t work full time on plushies, so the actual production time stretches over multiple weeks usually.