Sewing the Neck Fur

You need:

Sewing the Neck Fur Needed Pattern Pieces


I assume that two of the four Fur A and Fur B pieces already appliqued with their spots and sewn together with their blank mirrored half. If this is not the case, please excecute all Neck Fur Applique steps manually and come back here. You may also want to refer to my Machine Embroidery Alternatives Guide!

Step 1

Sewing the Neck Fur Step 1A image

Sew together the assembled Fur A and Fur B along Seam F2, which will be the front facing seam.

Step 2

Sewing the Neck Fur Step 2A image Sewing the Neck Fur Step 2B image

Insert one of half of the Fur into the other, turning it in the process, so that Seam F1 lines up.

Step 3

Sewing the Neck Fur Step 3A image

Close up the Seam F1 on the embroidered side. Leave it open on the blank side! Not convinced this is going to work? Trust me - or check out my Donut Sewing Guide!

Step 4

Sewing the Neck Fur Step 4A image

Turn the Neck Fur right side out through the hole.

Step 5

Sewing the Neck Fur Step 5A image Sewing the Neck Fur Step 5B image

Close up the hole with a latter stitch.